Window Functions

Mysql, Database

Posted by Xiangke on April 11, 2020

Window Functions

  • row_number() / rank() / dense_rank()
  • persent_rank() / cume_dist()
  • lag() / lead()
  • first_val() / last_val()
  • nth_value / nfile()

There is a frame window. Sometimes you only want to select the previous two values to do rank, or the row before and the row after the current row, How?

CURRENT ROW- boundary is the current row, generally used with other range keywords

UNBOUNDED PRECEDING - boundary is the first row in the partition

UNBOUNDED FOLLOWING - The boundary is the last line in the partition

expr PRECEDING - boundary is the value of expr for the current row

expr FOLLOWING - boundary is the current line plus the value of expr

Number Functions


Distribution Functions

